Falling Around

Preschool 1

Lately Isabel and the children have been talking about the fall weather as they have noticed the cooler wind and the falling leaves outside in playground. Annie and Olive seemed to enjoy the leaves as they would pile them, pick them up, and throw them up in the air while giggling.

Isabel and the children decided to bring some leaves inside to make some beautiful art alongside paint. They also added some pine cones to be used along side the paint brushes as another tool. The children used their fine motor skills to paint the coffee filters, and once they were done they would sprinkle some leaves into their art. During this the children were able to use their sensory skills as they felt the leaves crumble in the hands. Olive shared that the leaves were crunchy as she decided to pull the leaves apart before adding it to her coffee filter.

Kiera was very precise about where she wanted the paint, as she used the bottom of the coffee filter, but also the sides of the inside and outside! Rosie wanted to put the paint in it first and then mix the leaves with it, and then add some more paint. Annie and Gavin wanted their pine cone in the coffee filter and painted it all together. I wonder if there are any other items outside they would like to explore? What could we do with the sticks? Would the children like to use different colours and paint just the pine cones?

Continuing on with the fall weather interactions, next the children used leaves, crayons and paper to create and trace the leaf on their paper. The children would use their fine motor skills to hold on to the leaf in the middle of their paper, and then use the other hand to trace the leaf with a crayon.

Isabel noticed that most children used the yellow or orange crayons, which makes her wonder if it was because the paper was black so they would show up better or because those colours reminded them of the leaf? Gavin focused on the colours and shared that the leaf was red and orange.

Walter pulled a piece of the leaf off and ran his finger over then decided to give it to Isabel. Annie was very focused on her tracing, and when she was all done she exclaimed, “ta-da!”
I wonder if the children would have fun tracing shapes next time!

A preschooler is painting a coffee filter as another preschooler watches.

A preschooler is painting a coffee filter.

A preschooler is colouring with a crayon onto black paper.

A preschooler is tracing a leaf onto black paper with a crayon.