In the preschool room we have been talking a lot about different emotions and the zones of regulation. We discussed the emotions we would feel in the blue zone (sad), in the red zone (angry), in the yellow zone (frustrated), and in the green zone (happy).
We started off with putting pictures of different emotions up on the mirror. The preschoolers got to look at these emotions, then draw the emotion on the mirror.
Theo E. showed us his angry face, while Keira showed us her happy face. Benjamin talked about how he might feel sad or angry if someone took his toys. Through this experience the preschoolers were able to identify emotions, while also seeing what those emotions looked like.
Next, we gathered some cards with different emotions on them. The preschoolers observed them and noticed that each card had one that looked exactly the same. The preschoolers matched the pictures and discussed what they saw in the pictures.
Eric saw a picture of a child whose blocks were laying on the ground and they were crying. Eric said that he thought the child looked sad. Christine questioned why the child might be feeling sad and Amara piped up to say, "maybe someone knocked down his blocks."
After we found all of the matches we then pulled out the zones so we could sort the pictures into the correct zone. We looked at each picture and discussed what we saw. Some of the pictures the people were happy, while some looked sad or frustrated.
Since we began talking about the zones of regulation and our different emotions we have noticed that many of the preschoolers have been using the zones and talking about their emotions in their play.
Ford gathered the zone cards we have in the room when he saw that someone was upset. He brought the card over and said, "you look sad, are you in the blue zone?" Then he continued to ask why they felt sad.
Keira brought the cards to Christine one day and held out the green card and said, "I'm in the green zone, I am happy"
Through these activities and conversations, the children have been learning about emotional regulation and utilizing their vocabulary to express their emotions. They have been able to resolve conflict and understand better the way they are feeling. The preschoolers have also been able to learn how their actions effect different people; when you take someone's toys they become sad and are in the blue zone, when you help someone after they fall that might make them happy and put them in the green zone. It is also amazing to see how the preschoolers have been able to teach each other about their emotions and the different zones, showing that they have been given the tools to help them successfully understand the big emotions they often feel, and how to deal with those emotions in themselves and in others.