Fatima has been noticing the preschoolers bringing in different Items for their cubbies Inside the classroom and showing It to their peers. Fatima wondered what the significance was for that Item. Is it a security item that gives comfort or is it something they use during the day like a sweater or extra socks? To be able to build positive relationships with the children and get to know them better Fatima asked the children what was in their cubby and what was special about It.
Rosie mentioned, "I have a sweater because dad says I can’t bring toys or stuffies."
Penny had mittens and she said, "for outside because there Is snow!"
Eric brings a new Item everyday and walks in with excitement to show his friends. He always makes sure to say, "this will stay in my cubby Its from my home," very proudly.
As a continuation Fatima invited all the children to bring a special Item for show and tell where all the children were able to have the opportunity to share with their peers. We also used this as an opportunity to talk to each other about the Importance of respecting each other belongings and getting to know something about each other.
To continue to encourage teamwork, being open to suggestions and Ideas, we could explore with other various Items and continue on building these creations using different materials.
Fatima wonders If she does this in the new year, would the children share something different or bring the same Items.