Calling all Superheroes to Preschool 2!

Program Name: Preschool 2

This month in Preschool 2, the children became real life superheroes! Crime-fighters have been a consistent interest in our classroom for months, so with a donation of masks and costumes, the children were finally able to emerge themselves in this dramatic play.

Dramatic play, specifically superhero play, is important for children’s development as it lets them creatively think and express the things they see in media or out in the real world. This type of play not only gives children the opportunity to understand the experiences around them, but to also develop their social-emotional skills by processing the feelings from what they see and hear. This type of good-versus-evil play contributes to the foundation of language, social and gross motor skills, while also having an emphasis on problem solving and compromise.

When the preschoolers entered the classroom, they were immediately drawn to all the colourful capes and masks and quickly asked if they could wear them! The children were also provided with corresponding colouring sheets to the costumes and many discussions were had about their personal favourite superheroes and what adventures they saw in various media.

They were fascinated with how they looked as their favourite crime-fighters and were so excited when they saw their reflection in the mirror and in our Photo Booth. Furthermore, they even collaborated on how they could take their play to the next level and came up with a few ideas! They used the cars to ‘fly’ across our classroom, they used the trampoline to do ‘super jumps’, and they even got to race in the hallway to showcase their ‘super speed’.

I wonder what else our super-preschoolers can get up to next!

A child dressed up as a superhero taking a selfie.

A child colouring a picture of a superhero.

A child sitting and colouring a picture of a superhero.

Two children dressed as superheroes taking a selfie together.