Colourful Runway

Program Name: Infant

The infants have been interested in the art activities to which they are invited daily. They are seen enjoying materials such as crayons, markers, stickers, cut-outs, sponges, paint, and many other textures. The educators wondered how to take that interest to another level where, in addition to exploring and expressing themselves freely, they could also be an example for their friends, share ideas and inspire each other.

Children learn by imitating and in this activity, they were very inspired by seeing and sharing how they hold objects, what objects they use, what colours they use and mix, and how they use their body to perform different actions. This was a nice opportunity for the children to use their gross motor skills by walking, crawling, and lifting. They also used their fine motor skills by practicing controlling their hand movements and manipulating all the art tools offered to them.

Painting is a wonderful tool for children to discover a world full of colours, shapes, strokes, textures, and imagination. In addition, it stimulates sensitivity, creativity, concentration, expression, and communication. Although the little ones practice the name of the colours, they do not need to know them since the colours themselves stimulate the infants through the vibrations they emit and affect our mood.

You, dear reader, the Oak Creek’s Infant Room invites you to do this activity with your children, no matter how old they are for art and fun! Fill yourselves with some paint and explore with little ones!

A child standing on a paper, dipping a finger in paint.

A child standing on a pint covered paper.