
Program Name: School-age 3

This month, children have been exploring ways to meditate. They have been talking and learning about it. It’s amazing to see that they are interested in their mental health and want to know how to make their minds and bodies calm and relaxed. They have been asking each other questions and sharing what they think. The educator noticed their interest and planned some activities to enhance their knowledge. Children participated in simple Yoga poses, storytelling meditation, laughter meditation, mindful colouring and sensory exploration. They combined these with mindful breathing for a holistic experience. They participated in age appropriate short sessions of these exercises and had so much fun.

They were excited and ready for the activities. Akaaljot asked if kids can meditate too, and Kareem said, “Yes, it’s for everyone.”. Lucy set up the mat, Grant practiced breathing and after the activity, Violet said she felt relaxed and fresh. Sebastian asked if they can do yoga everyday, and everyone agreed enthusiastically. The children were thrilled to learn about the benefits of yoga/meditation for their minds and bodies. Jareen wondered if she could do meditation with open eyes, and Grant reassured her that it was okay. They practiced many yoga skills and performed many activities throughout the month. It was a fun and relaxing experience for everyone.

Children learned new things about meditation and how it can help them feel better. They performed fun activities to learn more. They tried easy meditation, like paying attention to their breathing and imagining things. They were told that anyone, even children can meditate.  They learned even doing short sessions can make them feel better. Their favourite part was when they laughed a lot during laughter meditation practice. Meditation helps children by making them less stressed, more focused, and feeling better emotionally. Doing yoga, either at home or school, is good for children. It helps their bodies, minds, and feelings, making them healthier and happier. Incorporating yoga into a child’s routine can provide many physical, mental, and emotional benefits, contributing to their overall wellbeing and development.

Two children doing a yoga pose.

A small group of children sitting in a circle while meditating.