DIY Slime

School-age 3

Sensory exploration and STEM exploration with making DIY slime from scratch to provide hands-on, experiential learning opportunities for children. Children engaging multiple senses while exploring scientific concepts, engineering principles, and mathematical ideas. The activity of the first month back to school was making ‘Slime’. Preparing slime can be a simple and ordinary task however, when the children are given the responsibility to do so, it becomes all the more fun. This activity started with children taking turns in measuring out the proportions of ingredients required (Glue, baking soda and Saline solution) as children picked the colour they wanted their slime to be and the activity ended with lot of sensory slime play which actually continued throughout the week because the children were so good at making the slime that it did last for almost a week if not more! Leo, Fred and Ignacio were the first few to start preparing their slime, guiding others to the method of it. Fred expressed that he would like to play around with the colors and actually mix Blue and red together which resulted in a purplish tone. Amilia, Eliora and Piper joined in the fun after, picking their favourite colours out of the 9 options that we had. Sensory play with slime activates all the senses and satisfies child’s sensory needs, which can help with increasing attention span and overall focus. Also, as children mix up the slime recipe, they’ll learn fractions, cause and effect, and even basic chemistry which revolves around the STEM category. The children had a blast playing with the slime later on and it was visible how proud they were of themselves as they made it on their own from scratch. 

Child measuring glue

Child making slime

Child made a lage green bubble with slime