Outdoor Risky Play

Preschool 1

With the nicer weather approaching, Preschool 1 has been enjoying playing outside a lot more. During outdoor time, we go for walks, play in our playground and sometimes walk all the way to Douglas Park to enjoy the playground there!

This time we got the opportunity to walk to the park and use the structure, which allowed the children an opportunity to engage in some safe risky play in a different environment.

Under the supervision of preschool educators, the children are encouraged to take risks during play to improve their skills. Balancing, climbing, sliding, and even walking are some of the large motor skills practiced during risky play. By encouraging risky play, the Preschool 1 team hopes to see a decrease of falls and accidents during play.

The Preschool 1 educators will continue to plan activities to encourage the curiosity of the children toward safe outdoors risky play. One of the ways we hope to achieve this is to add new experiences and materials to support spontaneous risky play in our playground in the following months.

Children swinging on the swings on their bellies

Children lined up waiting to go down the slide

Children on a slide

Children on a climber looking out to their peers below