Paint By Colours


The Infants have been working with paint this month. They have been experimenting with different materials and colours. Today they explored what would happen if they put sponges in paint. Most of the children started by brushing the sponges through the paint, then Henley started banging his sponge on his paper. "That makes some interesting marks when you bang your sponge in the paint." Educator Kiva commented. Soon all of the infants were dabbing their sponges into the paint and onto the paper. Then educator Lorie added yellow paint on top of the red paint. As the infants continued to work with both colours of paint, the educators noticed that the colours were mixing together. This led to a discussion about how colours are made from other colours. Some of the infants practiced saying, "red, yellow, orange and mix."

Kingston, Finley and Raphael were curious bout how the paint felt. They grabbed handfuls of the paint and smeared it onto their arms. Kingston rubbed his hands together. "How does that feel?" Kiva asked him. "Is It slippery?" Kingston smiled and continued to slide his hands up and down.

We wonder what other materials we can use to work with paint? We are curious if there are other colours that can be mixed together and make a new colour? This month we will continue to try to answer these questions through play and paint exploration.

An infant sitting at a table with a sponge and paper covered in paint in front of him

An infant sitting at a table rubbing paint on his arms

Two infants at the table painting