Food and Nutrition

Program Name: School-age 3

I am thrilled to share the growth and knowledge of our children at Rising Oaks School Age 3. This month, children have shown curiosity around Food and Nutrition. Educators always accommodate the unique interests and curiosities of each child and make it a priority to nurture and build upon these passions. Children, and their fascination with food and nutrition has become a wonderful opportunity for learning and growth.

Children have become Food Detectives, they have explored and learned to read the Food Labels on their containers and nutritional facts of the food. They were provided with multiple cereal/ cookies/juice boxes to take down the nutritional facts of the food and write it down on their journals. Children were very excited to be involved in this activity. Spencer said, “I will look for the calories for the lemon juice.” Kareem and Aria wrote down the facts for cookies”. Sebastain was amazed to see how much sugar cereals contain” and said, oh no, I am consuming a lot of sugar”. Violet mentioned, “We all should eat healthy snacks instead of junk food because healthy snacks are good choices”.

Children were eager to know about different food groups and its benefits. They were provided with a range of interactive learning materials, including educational games like “Food group Bingo”, or “Matching games”, songs, informative posters, and storytelling, to reinforce the concepts learned. These materials are beneficial/useful to make learning about food and nutrition enjoyable and accessible for all students.

Understanding the importance of a balanced diet is a crucial life skill. We have incorporated age-appropriate nutritional activities into the weekly schedule. Children are learning about the various food groups, the importance of fruits and vegetables, and the impact of healthy choices on their overall well-being.

2 children observing a lemon juice bottle and having a conversation

Two children displaying the food poster they created

Three children displaying a food poster they created