Snow Much Fun in School-age 1!

Program Name: School-age 1

We know that there are many health benefits of spending time outside. Just a few minutes of fresh air can improve mental health, boost mood, reduce stress and encourages physical activity. Continuous outdoor play promotes exercise as the children get to run and enjoy various activities or sports. This season, snow has provided the children of school-age one many types of sensory experiences. Some of the children observed the snow's texture, temperature and even taste. This month, the children in school-age one enjoyed the snow while it has lasted the past few weeks. They have used their creative thinking to build forts and snow people, while also engaging in various forms of pretend play. 

One day during our after-school program, some children noticed the snow had been plowed into a large area on the field. Right away, one child said “Look, it’s a house!” The snow had hardened and taken the shape of large boulders and there was enough space in between them for him to fit inside. “This is my room, and this is the kitchen” he added. Slowly he began to expand on his house adding more snow balls and snow. When he was finished, he called on a few friends to come and join his play.

The children in school age one continue to build on their imaginative play indoors and outdoors. They have shown us that with minimal materials outside they can be just as creative, if not more. The children have shown their creativity and ability to work well with other children by listening to their ideas and perspectives. In the end, this has provided them with opportunities to build on their friendships and skills while working together. As the warmer weather approaches, we will spend more time outside enjoying nature and enhancing Imaginitive play with materials they can use to create more ideas for their play.

A child sitting on a large snow hill

A child sitting on a large snow hill