AODA: Accessible Customer Service
Policy Type: Programming
Date Revised: December 10, 2018
Supercedes: December 17, 2013
Originally Issued: December 16, 2011
- POLICY: Accessible Customer Service
- RisingOaks Early Learning Ontario (hereafter referred to as ‘RisingOaks’) is committed to ensuring its services are provided in an accessible manner and in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities.
- RisingOaks will ensure compliance to all regulations as set out in the Accessibility for Ontarians with a Disability Act (AODA) and other applicable regulations.
- RisingOaks shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that its policies, practices and procedures are consistent with the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equal opportunity:
- Independence: All individuals, including those with disabilities, shall be able to access goods and services, to the greatest extent possible, free from assistance.
- Dignity: All individuals, including those with disabilities, will be treated with respect and worthiness.
- Integration: People with disabilities are allowed to fully benefit from the same services, in the same place and in the same or similar way as other individuals. Alternative measurers might be necessary because a person with a disability requires it or because another option cannot be provided at the time. If RisingOaks is unable to remove a barrier to accessibility, we will consider what else can be done to provide goods and services to people with disabilities.
- Equal Opportunity: All individuals, including those with disabilities, will have the same chances and options in the way they obtain and benefit from the goods or services provided.
- RisingOaks will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.
- People with disabilities may use assistive devices, support persons and service animals at all times, except where prevented by law, to access goods and services. Where prevented by law, other measures will be made available for the person with a disability to access the goods and services.
- Prior notice will be provided for any admission fees applicable to support persons who accompany persons with disabilities.
- Requests for accommodation will be reviewed on a case by case basis respecting the principles outlined in 1.3 above.
- Notice will be provided when it is known that facilities or services that people with disabilities rely on are disrupted.
- Policies, practices and procedures related to providing accessible service will be available to the public on request.
- RisingOaks will endeavour to ensure its documents or the content of the documentation is made accessible to people with disabilities. For this reason, an alternate format will be provided upon request that takes into account a person’s disability.
- Training will be provided to all RisingOaks employees, students, Board of Directors & volunteers – including those involved in developing policies, procedures and practices related to AODA standards.
- Feedback regarding the way that RisingOaks provides goods and services to people with disabilities is welcomed. Feedback may be provided by e-mail, verbally, in writing or via the ‘Contact Us’ page on the website. Feedback should be directed to the CEO. RisingOaks will respond to such feedback within 2 business days.
- Assistive Device:
- is a technical aid, communication device, or medical aid modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional abilities of people with disabilities.
- Barrier: as defined by the AODA
- anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his or her disability, including a physical barrier, an architectural barrier, an information or communications barrier, and attitudinal barrier, a technological barrier, a policy or practice.
- Disability: as defined by the AODA and the Ontario Human Rights Code
- any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical coordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device.
- A condition of mental impairment or developmental disability.
- A learning disability or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language.
- A mental disorder, or
- An injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the workplace safety and insurance act 1997.
- Service Animal: as reflected in Ontario Regulation 429/07
- an animal is a service animal for a person with a disability if it is readily apparent that the animal is used by the person for reasons relating to his or her disability, or if the person provides a letter from a regulated health professional including a physician, nurse, psychologist, psychotherapist, audiologist, chiropractor or optometrist, confirming that the person requires the animal for reasons relating to the disability.
- Support Person: as reflected in Ontario Regulation 429/07
- a support person, in relation to a person with a disability, is another person who accompanies him or her in order to help with communication, mobility, personal care or medical needs or with access to goods or services.
- a support person, in relation to a person with a disability, is another person who accompanies him or her in order to help with communication, mobility, personal care or medical needs or with access to goods or services.
- Assistive Device:
- Accessible Customer Service procedures
- Accessible Customer Service procedures
- Approved by the CEO and Director of Operations on December 10, 2018
Date Revised: December 10, 2018
Supercedes: December 17, 2013
Originally Issued: December 16, 2011
- Support Persons
- Persons with disabilities may be accompanied by their support person when accessing goods and services
- RisingOaks Early Learning reserves the right to request the person with a disability be accompanied by a support person in the event that it is considered necessary to protect the health and safety of the person with a disability or others.
- This will only occur after consultation with the person with a disability and when it is the only means to allow the individual to access goods and services
- Where protection of privacy and confidentiality are concerns during an interaction, staff (including volunteers and students acting on RisingOaks’ behalf) will confirm with the person with a disability if they would like to continue with their support person present.
- In the event that a support person is present while private or confidential matters are being discussed, RisingOaks may require him or her to sign a confidentiality agreement
- Field trips admission fees for a support person who is accompanying a child with a disability will be covered by RisingOaks. Should other fees apply, the Supervisor (or designate) will provide prior notice of any fees for support persons who accompany a person with a disability.
- Information on applicable fees will be provided in writing
- RisingOaks reserves the right to change this practice with 30 days written notice to its members.
- The Supervisor is responsible to conduct an orientation with the support person as applicable.
- Persons with disabilities may be accompanied by their support person when accessing goods and services
- Service Animals
- Persons with disabilities are permitted to be accompanied by their service animal and keep that animal with them when accessing goods or services provided by RisingOaks, unless otherwise prohibited by law (i.e., where food is being prepared)
- In the event that a service animal is prohibited from the premises, the reason why the animal is excluded should be explained to the individual and RisingOaks will ensure that other measures are available to enable the person with a disability to obtain use or benefit from RisingOaks’ goods and services.
- Service animals must be supervised by their owners and kept in control when used to access RisingOaks’ goods and services
- If an individual on location has a severe allergy to animals, which could result in health and safety concerns, staff must make reasonable efforts to meet the needs of all individuals.
- Concerns with respect to a service animal, (e.g., care, health, size, etc), should be directed to the centre Supervisor and ultimately the CEO for resolution.
- Persons with disabilities are permitted to be accompanied by their service animal and keep that animal with them when accessing goods or services provided by RisingOaks, unless otherwise prohibited by law (i.e., where food is being prepared)
- Assistive Devices
- Persons with disabilities may use assistive devices as required in accessing goods and services.
- Should a person with a disability be unable to access goods and services through the use of their own personal assistive device, RisingOaks will work with the individual to:
- Assess service delivery and potential service options to meet the needs of the individual, and
- Identify alternative services and how a person with a disability can access the services, either temporarily or on a permanent basis
- Communication
- Individuals, including those with disabilities, are able to communicate with RisingOaks by telephone, in person, in writing through regular mail, facsimile, or by e-mail.
- RisingOaks employees and its agents will be trained to communicate with individuals over the telephone and in person in clear and plain language and to speak clearly and slowly.
- Emergency and Public Safety Information
- RisingOaks will provide accessible information regarding evacuation procedures and information about building alarms for all buildings. The Supervisor at each location will ensure that people with disabilities on their premise are aware of such procedures and are provided with them in a manner that meets their needs.
- Information about incidents that threaten life, property, operations or the environment and related procedures will be available in alternate formats upon request.
- The Supervisor at each RisingOaks location is responsible to develop and document evacuation procedures for people with disabilities as required.
- Billing
- RisingOaks strives to provide accessible invoicing for its customers. Invoices, or changes in the preauthorized debit (PAD) withdraws or agreements, will be provided in the following alternate formats upon request:
- Hard copy
- Large print
- Verbal notification
- RisingOaks’ accounting team will answer any questions regarding billing or changes to the PAD agreement in person, by telephone or via e-mail.
- RisingOaks strives to provide accessible invoicing for its customers. Invoices, or changes in the preauthorized debit (PAD) withdraws or agreements, will be provided in the following alternate formats upon request:
- Formats of Documents
- Policy, procedure and common practices will be available on RisingOaks’ website for the general public.
- If an individual requests a copy of an employee, he or she may refer them to the website and/or inquire about which document they would like and how it is best to share it with them. The employee should follow up with the centre supervisor to fulfill this information request.
- In providing a copy of a document to a person with a disability, RisingOaks shall provide the document, or the information contained in the document, in a format that takes into account the person’s disability
- RisingOaks and the person requesting the document or information may agree upon the alternate format to be used, subject to feasibility. Feasibility will be determined based upon cost in relation to the size of the document and time associated with processing document requests.
- Documents shall be provided in a timely manner, wherever possible.
- Requests to convert documents to an alternate format shall be discussed with the CEO or designate. Such requests shall be processed in-house whenever possible.
- Should a cost be involved, the CEO will determine any cost to the individual and provide such notice in advance of preparing the alternate format.
- Where a cost is to be levied upon the person with a disability, every reasonable effort will be made to provide the information in another format that takes into account the person’s disability.
- Policy, procedure and common practices will be available on RisingOaks’ website for the general public.
- Meetings and Events
- RisingOaks will endeavour to ensure meetings and events held, either publicly or by invitation only, are made accessible to people with disabilities. For this reason, accommodations will be provided upon request that take into account a person’s disability.
- A standard line such as “Please contact (name) if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you” will be added to invitations
- If possible, the invitation will describe the location of ramps, automatic doors, elevators, etc.
- If meetings and/or events are held in locations or premises not owned or operated by RisingOaks, RisingOaks will endeavour to ensure the meetings or events are held in locations or on premises that support RisingOaks’ accessible service policies, especially in regards to the use of service animals, support persons and assistive devices.
- Service Disruption
- In the event of a planned service disruption to facilities and services that are relied upon by people with disabilities to access RisingOaks’ goods and services, notice of the disruption shall be provided in advance.
- The Supervisor at each location is responsible to provide such notice 48 hours in advance wherever possible.
- In the event of an unexpected disruption, notice will be provided as soon as possible.
- Notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration and a description of alternative facilities and services that may be available.
- Notice may be given by posting the information in a conspicuous place on premises owned or operated by RisingOaks, in reception areas, and/or posted on RisingOaks’ website, or by such method as reasonable under the circumstances
- In the event of a planned service disruption to facilities and services that are relied upon by people with disabilities to access RisingOaks’ goods and services, notice of the disruption shall be provided in advance.
- Feedback Process
- Should an individual wish to provide feedback to RisingOaks on the provision of goods and services for persons with disabilities, feedback can be provided in the following manner:
- In person at the administrative office located at: 10 Washburn Drive, Unit 2, Kitchener, ON N2R 1S2
- In person, with the Supervisor at each of the early learning and care centre
- By telephone, at 519-894-0581 ext. 102
- By e-mail, via the general inquires email address at
- By mail: 10 Washburn Drive, Unit 2, Kitchener, ON N2R 1S2
- Feedback received that is related to accessibility or the manner in which RisingOaks provides its goods and services to people with disabilities will be recorded on an Accessible Service Delivery Feedback form.
- Should the Supervisor or other staff person receive feedback verbally, it will be transcribed onto the form noted above.
- Upon receipt of the feedback, regardless of the format, individuals will receive – within 2 business days – a response acknowledging receipt of the feedback and the actions that will be taken to address any issues.
- Should additional time be required to look into the concerns, a follow up response will be sent within 15 business days.
- Should additional time be required to look into the concerns, a follow up response will be sent within 15 business days.
- Should an individual wish to provide feedback to RisingOaks on the provision of goods and services for persons with disabilities, feedback can be provided in the following manner:
- Training
- As required by law, RisingOaks will ensure the following people receive training on the provision of goods and services to people with disabilities:
- Staff, volunteers, students, agents and any other individuals who interact with clients and members of the public on behalf of RisingOaks, and
- Staff, volunteers, students, agents and any other individuals who participate in the development of RisingOaks’ policies, practices and procedures governing the provision of goods and services to clients and members of the public
- Training will include a review of the purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and Ontario Regulation 429/07, the requirements of this policy, and instruction in the following areas:
- How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities
- How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device, service animal or a support person
- How to use the equipment or assistive devices available at RisingOaks
- What action to take if a person with a particular type of disability is having difficulty accessing RisingOaks’ goods and services
- The Director of Operations (DO) is responsible to keep records of the training provided, including the name of the person trained, location, and date the training is completed.
- The DO will ensure that training is provided to all current employees and new employees, students and volunteers during orientation.
- Training will also be provided on an ongoing basis when changes are made to this policy.
- As required by law, RisingOaks will ensure the following people receive training on the provision of goods and services to people with disabilities:
- Policy Monitoring
- The CEO is responsible to ensure that any changes made to these procedures or the related policy considers the impact on people with disabilities.
- Any policy of RisingOaks that does not respect and promote dignity and independence of people with disabilities will be modified or removed.
- Accessible Service Delivery Feedback form
- Notice of Service Disruption template
- Student/Volunteer Supervision policy and procedures
- Records Check policy and procedures
- Approved by the CEO and Director of Operations on December 10, 2018