Terms of Reference: Nominating Committee


Every child is valued and reaches their full potential.

RisingOaks Early Learning Ontario provides nurturing, play-based early learning to support each child in realizing their potential while giving families peace of mind.

To ensure effective succession of qualified individuals as part of the elections process by presenting a slate of nominees for election of directors and appointment of officers to RisingOaks’ Board. These include: chair, voce chair, treasurer, secretary and directors of the Board.

To ensure adequate and relevant orientation of new Board members and on-going development and training for all members of the Board.

Accountability to the Board of Directors


Planning and Reporting

  1. Develop an annual committee work plan for the following fiscal year and forward to the Board for approval in conjunction with the annual budget.
  2. Chairperson, in consultation with staff members of the committee, to prepare the agenda on the approved template and send with supporting documents to the committee a minimum of 1 week prior to each committee meeting.
  3. Appoint a committee member to record the minutes of all committee meetings and to forward the minutes to the Chair and CEO within 1 week of the meeting. Meeting minutes will be forwarded to the Board as your report.

Protect - in the Interest of Members

  1. Actively recruit qualified individuals to serve on the Board and/or Board committees as required, per the procedures outlined in Appendix A.
  2. Implement the election process as outlined in our By-Laws and governance policies.
  3. Develop and maintain a formal succession plan for all officer positions, directors and committee members. Update the list of standing appointees when required.

Connect - for Healthy Board Relations

  1. Ensure on-going Board development and training, which will include – but is not limited to - orientation, evaluation, improvement of process, governance. Develop an annual board development/training plan and budget by the specified deadline for the following fiscal year and recommend to the Board for approval.

Reflect - on Organizational Performance

  1. Annually in May, review outcomes from the Nominating Committee’s annual work plan and the duties outlined in the Terms of Reference. Submit recommendations to the Board for future consideration.
  2. Engage the Board in a regular evaluation process on Board effectiveness and individual evaluations of Board directors. Following the evaluation process, propose action plans for Board consideration.


  • Members of the Nominating Committee will serve for a term of one (1) year, between each Annual General Meeting, and may be reappointed to a maximum of three (3) years.
  • Where possible, members of the Nominating Committee should not be standing for election (or re-election) at the time of service.
    • If so, such member(s) should declare a conflict of interest at the appropriate meeting. Resolution of the conflict will be addressed by the Nominating committee chairperson, in consultation with other committee members.

Committee Membership:

  • One Director of the Board will be appointed Chairperson
  • Three (3) to Five (5) committee members will be selected for their individual and collective expertise in competency/skill assessment, board development and/or adult education.
  • CEO (voice, no vote)
    • The CEO will not be directly involved in recruitment and selection of Board Directors or Officers.

APPROVAL: Reviewed & Approved by the Board of Directors on December 30, 2020