Trash to Treasure In School-age 1

Program Name: School-age 1

The past few weeks have been full of excitement and new learning opportunities for the children in School Age One. This month’s topic of interest was recycling and the importance of being less wasteful to keep our community clean. With a teacher lead discussion, the educators asked the children “What is recycling”? One child mentioned that recycling helps keep our planet clean. Educator Stephanie added that recycling is when we reuse things instead of throwing them away. By doing this, we can give old things a new purpose.

After further discussion, the children began to think of ways to use recycled materials and turn them into something new. With this thought in mind, our school age group thought it would be a great idea to turn some recycled materials into art. The children were very excited about creating something new out of things we would throw away. With the help of some generous families, the children collected materials so they could begin their pieces.

Furthermore, the educators and children collaborated with the children of school age two to expand on this art project. We had discussions about hosting an art show so their families could come and see what the children have been working on. The children were very excited about this idea.

The children achieved a sense of accomplishment by extending the usefulness of everyday materials that would usually be thrown away. By teaching the children the importance of recycling, it instills awareness about the environment and promotes sustainability. The children became more aware of their role in caring for the planet while enjoying a hands-on activity in the process.


A child painting some bottle caps