Water Play with Infants

Program Name: Infant

Infants love sensory play, and water is always a favourite. This time, we set up a white tuff tray filled with water and added a few drops of food colouring to make the water bright and colourful.

The colours instantly grabbed the infants’ attention, making them excited to join in the fun. We also added colourful boats and some pouring toys to make the play even more interesting.

Water play is great for infants to explore different textures, temperatures, and colours, which help with sensory development. Scooping and pouring water improves hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills as infants practice holding and using the toys.

Through play, infants learned about different colours as we talked about the colours of the water and boats.

A child exploring the water in a tuff tray.

A child exploring the water in a tuff tray.