Snowy Days


1 toddler pushing a truck in the snow, an educator and other toddler observingAs the seasons change, so does our environment! The toddlers began to show excitement as the first snow fall came upon us as they looked outside our door yelling, “its snow!” This gave some toddlers a chance to work on adding some new words to their vocabulary (ie. Icy, snow, cold, windy, and freezing). Lyle added another layer to his outdoor wardrobe as he tells the educators, “its too windy!” So he would bring a blanket outside to curl up in, making sure he couldn’t feel the cold wind.

Avriella and Roohi explored snow with Jhylien as they rolled the snow into balls then placing it into the back of the dump truck as Roohi counted, “1,2,3.” As they rolled the balls they were able to work on their coordination skills ensuring that the snow stayed together in a ball form as they were manipulated in their hands. Llewelyn also began exploring the snow with his hands appearing a little unsure at first. This g2 toddler children shoveling snow, one in the back observingave him a chance to come out of his comfort zone as he began manipulating the snow between his hands too!

From feeling the snow with our hands, Presley and Eva continued this by using a shovel to scoop up the snow. This allowing them to practiced scooping and dumping but on a little but of a bigger scale than in the sandbox. As they began scooping up the snow they really had to work on their pincer grasp as they held onto the shovel. Presley says as he shovels, “the snow is cold!”

So as they discover a new world all covered in snow; this furthered our learning and comprehension as they explored a new way to engage in gross motor skills, sensory, math and literacy.

toddler child holding a ball of snow outside