In the beginning of the new year and in the months of September and October when we welcome new children in the room they boost their social-emotional development by learni
ng interpersonal skills, verbal and nonverbal communication and empathy, all of which promote positive relationship. Children understand social-emotional cues from adults. We can emphasis this by comforting them, responding to them, and meeting their needs. Using gestures such as thumbs up, hugs and high fives to celebrate accomplishing tasks.
In their first three to four weeks they start building relationship with their peers and educators. Each Moring when Owen arrives in the room Claire and William goes to him holding his hand and comforting him. When Olaoluwa arrives in the room he goes to Mia and offer her toy and giggles with her. Mason loves to build relationship with his peers offering them “ Let’s play in the doll house with the babies” Joanne and Claire are building positive relationship greeting and hugging each other in the morning. Chloe, Finn, Felix and Hudson always playing, exploring and giggling together.
During outdoor time Juliette making bonds with her peers and giving them ride in the wheel cart . Rayyan is making bond with his peers giving them a lot of hugs. Leon is making bond with his peers offering them special toys. When Penelope explores the sand box she makes foods and offering to her peers and educators and this way she is building bonds with everyone in the environment.
In their first four to six weeks they build relationship with everyone and ready to learn and explore and expending on their creativity, self expression, sense of belonging and wondering, while exploring the environment, building relationship, making friends, learning group entry skills, helping skills and co-operative play.