What's that Sound?


Sensory bottles are more than just the visual stimulation, it can open the doors to sound exploration as well. As Chloe observed the movement of fishes in the sensory bottle, the sound of all the material moving inside it caught her attention. She begun to slowly shake the bottle and occasionally put it near her ears to hear the sounds.


Toddler child holding a plastic bottle tilted down.  The bottel is filled with assorted materials

To expand our sound exploration, we took out the electrical keyboard and let our toddlers’ experiment with it. After a few buttons pushes here and there, using cause and effect method, Felix figured out how to create sound on the keyboard. This attracted Finn and Chloe’s attention and they joined Felix in his sound exploring journey.

As they worked together, they begun to mimic the sounds created from the instrument. With a higher note, they would make a stretchy noise while a short note will make them say “beep”.

toddler child using a small electronic key board to make sounds


This activity provides children the opportunity to expand their knowledge of sounds as they differentiate between different noises and sounds present around them. It also stimulates their vocal skills as they try to imitate higher and lower notes with the musical instruments, creating and manipulating sounds around them.

This prompted us to get our bubble wrap out to give our toddlers some different sound material instead of traditional musical instruments. Oakley was excited to touch and feel the layer of bubble wrap on her hands. As one bubble popped with her touching, she got curious and started to pop more bubbles, saying “it popped” with each popped bubble, exploring cause and effect. toddler child popping bubbles on large bubble wrap

Finn got experimental and started to move his car on the bubble wrap to hear the sound the movement of car created (and pop the bubbles with his car as well!).

toddler child rolling a toy car across bubble wrap.  Popping the bubbles.