Fizz Balloon Experiment

School-age 2

In our School-age 2 program, we did an intriguing yet fun science experiment with the children using white vinegar, baking soda and a balloon. We formed the teams of four children each and started with one child pouring vinegar in the plastic bottle using a funnel and then a peer mixing food colouring in the vinegar. Next Two children took turns filling the baking soda inside the balloon. Once the children were all done, we attached the mouth of the balloon with the mouth of water bottle and asked the group members to hold the balloon upside down so the baking soda in the balloon can go inside the bottle. Everyone was curious to see what is going to happen and as soon as the baking soda and vinegar combined. We heard a slight fuzz sound at first, and in seconds, the slight fuzz sound converted into a loud fuzz sound and our mixture started turning foamy and gradually rose up. As the mixture went up, our balloon started inflating on its own and the children were amazed to see it. At this point, everyone saw the constant bubbles forming up in the balloon. “It seems like lava”, said Joey while a peer noticed that the bottle has turned cold. “How did that happen?” Hector raised the question. We simplified the science behind this activity for them as we told them the reason behind it. When we mixed baking soda with vinegar which is an acid, that makes a chemical reaction and as a result, carbon dioxide gas is formed. Now, because the balloon was attached on the mouth of the bottle, that left no space for the gas to escape and so, it went in the balloon causing the balloon to inflate. That chemical reaction takes a lot of energy that makes the temperature cold and that is why, our bottle and the balloon felt cold too. Children had fun participating in the activity and asked us to do more experiments like this. Getting knowledge about new concepts with hands-on learning always creates a lasting impact on child’s brain, enhance their memory and retention of learning.

Pouring vinager into a bottle

Two children scooping bakingsoda into a funnel

A baloon inflating experiement