Good communication skills are key to success in life, work and relationships. Without effective communication, a message can turn into error, misunderstanding, frustration, or even disaster by being misinterpreted or poorly delivered. Today the children were engaged in a game with rules called “Grab the balls game” this game proved to be crucial in promoting the children’s communication skills, relationships and teamwork. An educator explained the rules of the game to the children. At first, the children will choose a partner for a team and one hula hoop. We started off with three teams. Each team had to go inside a hula-hoop, one person at the front, one person at the back and all teams had to be ready at the end of the carpet ready to grab a ball. Once the educator announced “ready-set-go” each team had to communicate to their partner the best ways to walked together after grabbing a ball to reach the other side, then walked back at the other end of the carpet to grab a ball again. At first, the children demonstrated great concentration on walking fast and forgot that they have the partner, so it looked like one partner being pulled by another partner, as the result, the team being stalled and slow the team down. Automatically, each team looked back to their partner and communicated and planned while walking. One team said “we have to slowdown and go the same pace”, one team said “you will pick the ball, and I’ll drop it” For a few rounds, the children seemed to understand how to collaborate effectively as a team.