Bug Hunting

Preschool 2

This month the Preschool 2 class at RisingOaks Early Learning | St. Brigid, decided to go bug hunting in the field beside our school. The preschoolers lined up in the classroom and walked all the way to the field with their buddy. We brought our bug catcher in hopes of finding some bugs that we could take back to the centre to observe. When we were looking for bugs in the grass, some of the children saw some yellow flowers. The group thought we should put the flowers in the bug catcher to make a home for the bugs. We found some ants, but they were crawling so fast that we couldn’t catch them! One child found a millipede and said, “Look at him, he is crawling on my hand.” We put him in the bug catcher and decided to check the tree. Another child found a snail crawling on the branches, and we put him in the bug catcher, too.

Through this activity we developed our cognitive skills by knowing the names of the bugs, and we also noticed that we had such great teamwork while hunting for bugs. Way to go Preschool 2!

To further the interest in bug exploration, the educators decided to print out some pictures of different bugs and create a matching game to expand our learning about all types of bugs!

An educator holding a bug catcher for the children around her to see

A child in the grass holding out a dandelion

A child holding a bug in his hands