New Year, New Connections


Many exciting changes await our children in the school-age program with the start of a new school year, as they are welcoming new faces and bidding farewell to some familiar ones. While these changes may seem scary at first, they are opportunities for growth and new experiences.

As we have a small program, the children already had a good relationship with each other from the previous year. Then, with new children coming to the program, it can be challenging for them to let the new ones in into their little group. However, with patience and persistence and support, all of them will build a connection and, eventually, become good friends. 

To foster these moments, the educators give the older children opportunities to tell the new ones how the program works, explaining to them the rules, showing the spaces and allowing them to have their time together without interruptions. This not only gives the older ones a sense of leadership but also a welcoming environment for the new ones, who will realize that children are the most important part of this program, helping it run with the teachers.

Through out these past weeks, we have seen the older ones are stepping up to help the new, younger children adjust. Their patience and understanding make it easier for everyone to build new connections. Geetan, for example, has been helpful with the younger ones. She saw that Moyosola likes gymnastics, so she has been showing some moves and helping Moyosola do them. With Tarasha, Geetan saw herself when she first came to the school-age program; she even said, "Once, I was small like you here." And now, she is making sure Tarasha is comfortable and having a good time.

Outside, Catherine showed Moyosola that she can twist in the balance bar, and helped her to do it too. At the field, Dami was playing with hoola-hoops and asked Tarasha to play with him, which can foster the sense of belonging. As they incorporate the new children in their play, it makes them build connections and show that they belong and are welcomed here. 

Connections and friendships can take time to build. For now, children are getting to know each other and testing their boundaries, feeling more comfortable every day. We will continue to support these relationships by the activities provided and gathering their ideas for the program. I cannot wait to see what will happen in the next months and how many more people will join our school-age family.


Children talking together on the playground.

Children drawing together at a table.

Children running after a hula hoop.